Wednesday, April 30, 2008

At liberty

Today I have been running around pretending to be a roadie (more of that later) but my thoughts have been occupied by Liberty London Girl's kind post that I was alerted to this morning.

I've been addicted to her blog for a good while now and I was over the moon to read that she likes my writing. I've always said that this blog was for writing but LLG's linkage will probably send a few more readers over this way too and feeling part of the blogosphere is divine. Reading comments that agree with what I'm blogging about make me feel like I've just drunk a Black Russian. That's to say, sweet and warm inside.


K.Line said...

It sent me to check out your blog which is indeed well-written! K

Elizabeth said...

Et, moi, aussi. I found you through LLG, and am very happy to have done so.