Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I must must must explain the title of this blog, before I go any further. There was a young girl, named Rachel Corrie - an American aid worker who died, tragically, at a very young age. I won't explain her story here, I haven't got the right words. But I will say I went to see a play, My Name Is Rachel Corrie, which does tell her story with power, respect and intimacy, and in her own words (emails, letters, diaries). One scene sees Rachel referring to herself as 'that bad other girl', lounging in a messy room, day dreaming and writing - in this aspect, I saw myself in Rachel! I hope she wouldn't mind me borrowing her words (what else are words for?). Please do read about her story, if you want a rare taste of what is important in the world. And go and see the play if you get even a glimpse of a chance. It's possibly the best piece of theatre I have witnessed. These links should help:




1 comment:

girl said...

soph!!you've joined the blogation! Woo!

Paula x