This will be my only foray into beauty on this blog - I think about it enough already. But if you're after more beauty home truths, do check out Miss Malcontent and her Truth in Beauty - her recommendations and reasoning are all solid and super entertaining.
So onto #1...
Label.M Resurrection Style Dust

Label.M is a brand that has crept up on me rather, with its fabulousness. I was introduced to Resurrection Style Dust by Cos Sakkas, one of Toni & Guy's top stylists and I loved it so much I went so far as to buy it, considering there was none hanging about in the cupboard and I'm not one for asking. If your hair is lacking in volume this product is like the holy grail - a mere sprinkle and a ruffle with the fingers will build volume where there was none before. And if halfway through the night (for this is really for eveningwear, unless you're either very sparing or you wish to look like a hockey-playing toff) you see flatness returning, a mere brush through and a little zsush will see the volume 'resurrected' (aha) with no need for more product. It's a bit like Aveda's Pure Abundance Potion, only better. The drawback? It needs to come in an enormous pot because I'm addicted to it. Also by Label.M check out their volumising mousse which comes as a spray, perfect for fine hair, and their masks kick some dry hair ass.
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