Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wardrobe forecast

In London, we are having a burst of fine weather. (Perhaps we are having it in places that aren't London too...) Each morning I am attempting to evoke that celebratory but mistrustful vibe that to me speaks of style and sense. None of this hot-headed halter and hot pant malarkey - I'm leaving the bare legs and toes-out bravery to those who mal-propose (catachresis...) that the weather is "scorching". I hate these extreme and dramatic reactions to micro changes in the weather to which us Brits seem so prone. It's never cold but it's freezing and it never rains but it pours. Apparently. With these superlatives come wardrobe about-turns which are just plain annoying - just ask the girl in the bikini top on Oxford Street today. Honestly.

It's nice and sunny though and I can't deny that I am glad of it. Today, office chums V and N and I headed for G+Ts standing up in the sun and mainly spoke about hairdressers and shoes and shops and boys and girls and jobs and the girl in the bikini top on Oxford Street. Lunchtime drinking: a symptom of the side effects of sun. More side effects? Work-related apathy and social hunger. Somehow, the sunshine (and it's nothing to do with heat as it's not scorching and Our Towers is cool) instantly means I shift into go-super-slow mode. One morning's work equals a whole day's work in the sunshine. Sorry Ed.

Bring on the summer, proper, and legitimate bare toes and bikinis on beaches. Never on Oxford Street.

Image: C. R. Du'Pré


Anonymous said...

I really don't understand when and how it became acceptable to wear a bikini top to go shopping(?)....especially in the UK where the weather changes instantly!

Sharon said...

"Each morning I am attempting to evoke that celebratory but mistrustful vibe that to me speaks of style and sense. None of this hot-headed halter and hot pant malarkey..."

Perfectly worded, and bonus points for the word "malarkey".