Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I heart baking

Have you seen that Lurpak advert where the burly-yet-adorable guy makes a really rather delish looking pie? I love it, because to me, that's cooking. It's messy, it's imperfect and things do go wrong but nine times out of ten you get something amazing for your efforts – and your friends love you for it. Baking's a little bit different: you create heaps of mess around the edges but in the middle needs to be something deliciously perfect and really rather enviable, both aesthetically and with a view to popping it in your mouth. I think these jammy hearts are the very embodiment of that. Occasion baking gets me through the 'holidays': baking something adorable totally makes up for the general tackiness of Valentine's Day. I've baked these for the adorable café You Don't Bring Me Flowers in Hither Green – they'll be on counter this weekend, raspberry red and ready to be bought for V-day!